How Learning is supwerpower in Career Growth
Divyesh Dave
1/19/20254 min read
How Learning is a superpower?
I believe everyone agrees with that. But how many of us spend time on actual learning? Learning not only opens doors to opportunities but also solves the different problems of our lives. It also makes us more flexible for upcoming changes in our life. When we continue our learning, it makes us unstoppable.
As we grow there is a very common thought that comes in our mind. I have grown and I have completed my education (that is actually formal education), now I have to focus on my work whether it’s a job or a business. My mind is not supporting me, I am losing my memory, it will take so much time and I don’t have that much time. But this is just a mindset that stops us from learning. If we practice we can change it. When we get older, we have the wisdom and maturity to learn things even faster. And about memory, it never drains because we are not using the right technique to remember. So learning stays a superpower always if we wish to learn, grow, and become successful.
Secondly, the most common problem after the mindset we face is what to learn. We are living in an influential age where everyone wants to influence and attract us with their knowledge and our smartphones and social media have become very easy ways to reach people. I recommend we should learn which is really essential for our growth and success. For example, if I am an artist and I am learning how to cook food in a restaurant how to repair a car or how to teach social media marketing. It's completely senseless. In this case, I should focus on learning which is really helpful for us, like how to act, how to present ourselves better, how to communicate with people, and how to express emotion in a better way. Right?
When we start learning something we should focus on KASHS. Which I learned from my guru, Shri Santosh Nair sir.
K - Knowledge
A - Attitude
S - Skills
H - Habits
S – Strategies
Every day we should focus on enhancing the success of KASHS.
The thing which comes to my mind is how exactly we learn. In this modern era, I understand that the majority of the time we learn in the following ways:-
- In our Formal education – At our schools or colleges, through books or lecture
- After that – Through a Google search or ChatGPt
- Next is – Books
- Videos – may be on YouTube or any online courses.
But all learning should be done in the right way. Most of the time we use these amazing resources to just entertain or get knowledge which is actually not important to us. So we should focus on the thing which is actually helpful for us. It will not only save our time but also energy.
Now let me show you some very useful tips to make your learning effective.
1. Set your goal
Once you set your goal, you get direction or learning. Choose the field you want to master and focus on learning about that field.
2. Avoid distraction
Social media on phones and TV are the major distraction which causes us less concentration on useful learning. So avoid it but it's ok if you can’t avoid it. You can still reduce the time of usage or limit the content and people you wish to follow. Avoid entertainment channels, instead of that, you can subscribe to those channels that give knowledge of your field of life skills. I would also recommend deleting all useless apps from your phone, which is not adding value to your life.
3. Change the mentality
Mindset plays a very important role in learning. So change your mindset from expert to learner. No one is perfect but you can increase your level of knowledge every day by learning in small steps.
4. Take care of your body
This point might look strange here but this is true. If you take care of your body, you will maintain your energy level well. And you can concentrate on things that you want to learn. So sleep well, eat well, do some exercises and breathing practice, and drink water. Remember, a healthy mind stays in a healthy body. Right?
5. Clear your Why
Whenever something comes in front of your eyes, just ask simple questions. Why do I want to learn this? Why I am watching this? Is this the skill that is going to help me in my career or life? If the answer is yes. I would recommend go ahead and start learning.
6. Make notes
Making notes helps you to remember things and also it will help you to re-read and check again if you miss something. It also gives your mind a clear instruction that this is the thing which I have learned.
7. Take actions
Learning is useless until you apply it practically. Just imagine, you have amazing knowledge but you cannot even present it or you never applied it. It’s never going to help you because it’s just a theoretical speech, not an experience. And learning becomes powerful when your knowledge becomes an experience. So start with small steps. Learn for at least 5 min., join any course where your trainer or mentor gives you exact strategies to learn and master that skill or subject. Practice, Practice, and Practice. When you apply knowledge, practice it again and again. Once you practice again and again it becomes your habit. And isn’t it good to form a good habit, instead of bad habits?
I believe this information helps you in the right way. Because this is the first step that you need to understand, only then will you be able to learn anything in an effective way.
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Your Friend - Divyesh Dave